Monday, October 31, 2011

Best Way to Get Rid of Acne

You know I don’t think a day goes by when someone doesn’t ask me what is the best way to get rid of acne? You would think after all this time I’d have a pat answer or maybe even have a business card with the answer printed on it. But I don’t and if you have any suggestions or better still know the answer, please pass it along.

But, don’t tell me popping pimples and squeezing blackheads is the best way to get rid of acne. Running the risk of permanent acne scarring doesn’t seem like a reasonable trade off. Your acne really isn’t going to be less noticeable and it’s not going to really heal any faster. Besides if that’s the best response mankind has come up with then... well… I have nothing I can say.

I’m not trying to be crass, I’m just frustrated. I wish someone would come up with a best way to get rid of acne so I could do it tonight and wake up tomorrow with clear skin and never have to worry about my blackheads, pimples and zits again. I don’t care if it’s a pill or a cream, an exercise that involves walking backwards on my hands down a crowded street while I whistle Queen’s We Are the Champions. I just want to know the best way to get rid of acne.

Alas, after all these years I know it just doesn’t work that way. What works for me may not have the slightest effect on you and vice versa. We can put a man on the moon, but we can’t get this crater off the middle of a forehead! Little kids are starting to stare and point while they shout “Cyclopes”! Washing my face with cold water and massaging my skin with an ice cube closes my pores and prevents bacteria from accumulating. It works wonders for me and is a technique that I use often. For others closing your pores and not allowing them to drain is just what you don’t need. It’s just so frustrating!

With that in mind I guess I’ll just post some rid acne home remedies that work for me. I hope some of them will work for you too.

The juice of a cucumber acts as an excellent toner and will cool and calm your skin.

Rub a raw tomato slice over your skin. Leave it on for a few minutes then rinse. Tomato has excellent astringent and cooling properties.

Ice cubes rubbed on your skin will tighten your pores and can reduce inflammation.

Cut raw garlic rubbed over blemishes can be very effective. Due to its active sulfur content it makes an excellent and natural antibiotic.

Steep sage in some hot water, allow to cool and apply

Apple cider vinegar is a good skin toner

The above natural tips have helped me over the years and are among my favorites that have produced positive results. I thought I’d pass them along to you. Especially if your outbreak is mild, try these natural treatments and see if you have any success with them. They can’t hurt you and you will nourish your skin in the process; regardless of how your acne is affected. The only repercussion you might have is a strong smell of garlic salad permeating from your skin. . Who knows maybe one or two of them will become your best way to get rid of acne.


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Freederm Gel 10g

NEW.For the treatment of mild to moderate inflamed acne spots and pimples.Clinically proven.Reduces redness and inflammation.Clinically active vitamin B complex.Nicotinamide 4% w/w.A cooling translucent, fragrance-free topical gel containing nicotinamide – a proven anti-inflammatory treatment for mild to moderate inflamed acne spots and pimples in all age groups.A DIOMED™ PRODUCT. Freederm GelFor the treatment of mild [...]


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Cure for PimplesGoogle Alerts - pimples


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Acne Device

I want to take this time to wish all a belated Merry Christmas and an on time happy new year.

Well it's official. I now own just about every acne device known to mankind. Christmas morning when I got up, there were more presents than usual under the tree. Holidays in my house are most of the time dedicated to the kids who make out like bandits. But this year there were many presents tagged with my name from Santa under the tree. Not really giving it much though. I unwrapped my first present and low and behold it was a Zeno zapper. Well, since that zit zapper post is still fresh in my mind and you guys have not been very forth coming with your experiences. I figured I'd use the good fortune to check out this acne clearing device and report back to you guys with my findings.

As I unwrapped my second present I could see it was a Thermacare acne zapper. Well it became real obvious, real quick that my better half was up to some shenanigans and being the quick to the point person I am. Opening presents came to a screeching halt till I got some answers as there was some 'splain to be done.

It's seems someone saw my acne fight rant and must of taken pity on me or something. Anyway, I had been thinking of pulling down that acne post as I regretted pushing the publish button the moment I posted it. I don't usually get down on myself and stress over my zits but sometimes the beast just gets the better of me. However, at the very least I wanted to apologize to you guys. But like my desire to pull the post, I just never got around to it. So consider this my apology to you as I will try to not let my acne get the best of me again.

That being said, the post seems to have become the impetus for a Christmas filled with acne device presents. Seems someone thinks I am a T- Rex when it comes to the latest, greatest pimple inventions that technology can come up with. Evidently, remedies for pimples like swimming in salt water to get rid of acne are passé. Finding and sticking with the right acne soap is something that only your grandma does. And if you want that flawless movie star skin you have to be using some sort of acne device. Never mind about the soft filters on the camera lenses or the airbrushed photography. If you aren't dropping a ton of cash on the latest acne device you just aren't with it. If it doesn't heat or flash colors like a traffic signal it can't possibly be doing anything to help your acne.

Well, far be it from me to be the proverbial rid of zit stick in the mud. I am determined to try every acne device that presently sits under my tree. That Quasar acne blue light treatment, watch out here I come. That Panasonic pore cleanser with mist is mine. Same goes for that Lightstim led light therapy shower handle looking thingy.

I won't bore you with further details of the acne devices that have just come into my possession. Rest assured that there are plenty to keep me busy for a very long time. Just glancing over the acne device light selections, it's very likely that I could be exposing myself to enough acne fighting rays that I could quite possibly turn into the Hulk. But that is a risk I am willing to assume as I continue on my quest to find the best way to prevent and get rid of acne. My pledge to you is that I shall leave no acne device unturned.


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Acne Medicine and Makeup: Best Two in -One Products

It’s difficult to combine acne medicine and makeup into one product without overdrying your skin. In fact, you have to be extremely careful not to add too much acne treatment medicine with a makeup that already has some in it. However, there are a few products that have gotten great reviews from users. They work [...]

Acne Medicine and Makeup: Best Two in -One Products is a post from: Makeup for Acne


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Messageboard Upgrade Underway

Hey Everybody. Just a heads up to keep you all in the loop…we have been working on an upgrade to the messageboards for a few months now. It’s a huge job but we’re almost done. The new messageboard is now online and should be accessible for you, but keep in mind that it doesn’t have the look [...]


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Antibiotic therapy for acne. Cause for concern.

The more I learn about antibiotic therapy for acne, the more wary and less enthused I become. Due to overuse and misuse over the past twenty years, antibiotic resistance has become widespread throughout the skin of the world population. This is evidenced by the increasing ineffectiveness of both oral and topical antibiotics in clinical studies. [...]


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Autologous fat transfer: Fat is taken from another

Autologous fat transfer: Fat is taken from another site on your own body and prepared for injection into your skin. The fat is injected beneath the surface of the skin to elevate depressed scars. This method of autologous (from your own body) fat transfer is usually used to correct deep contour defects caused by scarring [...]


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Liz Earle TV Channel {Beauty Products}

You have read many reviews of Liz Earle products till now. So, thinking that you would be interested in knowing a bit more about the brand, I bring to you the video channel started by Liz Earle. I did watch a few videos and thought it would be interesting to share them with you. Check them out here. I tried to embed them but it was interfering with the layout so check the video on the website itself.

Also, while you are browsing through their videos, I would specially ask you to look at the "Fragrance". Their product, Botanical Essence No. 1, has caught my particular attention and its fascinating to know more about the product. And, Liz Earle is so beautiful!!!


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Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Products

Ever wonder what all the fuss is about benzoyl peroxide acne products? Well, just walk down any acne products isle in any drug store in any city, and you'll see row after row of acne products. A universe unto itself of acne lotions, potions, creams and ointments, now pick up a product, it doesn't matter which one. It can be Clear and Clean, Neutrogena Acne, PanOxyl, Benoxyl or whatever, it doesn't matter. Ok, check out the back ingredient panel and I'll bet you dollars to donuts that benzoyl peroxide is an active ingredient. Now if you are a real betting person. I'll double down and wager you that the level of concentration of the benzoyl peroxide is between 2.5% and 5% but could go to maximum strength 10%, the most you can have without a prescription. I'm not trying to show off. What I am attempting to do is show you how myopic the acne products industry is. BP (benzoyl peroxide) has been in use since the 1920’s as an acne treatment and for a host of other uses from hair bleaching to teeth whiting products. It was originally used in the garment industry as a fabric bleacher.

So what makes benzoyl peroxide popular as an acne product? There are a couple of things. First, it is an excellent killer of the P acnes infection. It is this bacteria that is a leading cause of acne. While the bacteria are very common they usually don’t cause a problem. That is until sebum gets backed up in the sebaceous glands. This in turn, creates an ideal host situation for the P acnes to thrive resulting in the pain redness and swelling of pimples, zits, blackheads and cysts. Benzoyl peroxide is an excellent killer of P acnes and works by introducing oxygen into the skin pore. The bacteria are unable to survive in this environment and dead skin cells are simultaneously flushed from the pores. It’s actually a two for one process that is very effective at getting rid of acne.

However, benzoyl peroxide's ability to kill these bacteria and act as a peeling agent is also one of the chief negative side effects of the product. You see, it can be rather harsh on your skin. Stripping the natural oils and leaving your skin dry, irritated and inflamed and on particularly sensitive skin can actually lead to chemical burning and swelling.

While I no longer have a need for benzoyl peroxide. As a teen it was a staple in my acne arsenal. When I first tried it, I found that it irritated my skin somewhat, but was informed that my body would develop a tolerance for it. The first couple of days there was some stinging and itching but sure enough, 3 day in and it was like using soap and water. I never had a problem with benzoyl peroxide again and had a good bit of success with it treating certain conditions as they arose. Benzoyl peroxide is definitely a product that shouldn't be over looked as you looks for ways to get rid of your acne but don't put blinders on either. While benzoyl peroxide acne products can work wonders, they aren't the only way to get rid of acne.


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Ponds Pure White Deep Cleansing Facial Foam {Product Review}

I have been really excited about this product because of the carbon content in it and have been dying to try it out. And, of course, it wasn't available in the stores for quite a long time so when I came across this unexpectedly in Spencers, I grabbed it up. So, lets check if it was really worth that excitement?

Price: Rs 75 for 50 gms

As you can see, it has no SLS / SLES which is relief
It looks a cute and classy in its black packaging and draws attention. It has a flip top.

My Experience
As you can see the product has leaked out of the tube which is probably a disadvantage during travel
Well, I would say it has been both good and bad. As you all know, I am troubled with a very moody skin which is oily and dry both at its will and wish so I need a product which will take care of both these things. And, since the weather these days is cooling off and getting drier, that's definitely taking a toll on my skin. So, first time, I used the face wash, I saw that my face was neither dry nor stretchy and was completely clean. I could stay for a complete night without a moisturizer too. It did becomes stretchy after a while though but that's not really any face wash's fault. I am supposed to moisturize.

Now, the product is grayish in color and as with other face washes, it foams a lot in a very less product so you would really want to use less of the product every time coz a little more of the product does cause dryness. I noticed that. If I take a good amount of product, it does cause my skin to go dry and I have to moisturize immediately but if I stick with just a bit, my skin is very comfortable. And, regarding its ability to control the oiliness, I think oil doesn't come back for an hour or so. But, that's not something I really expected from this.  

My Recommendation
I think it is worth a try, definitely!!!


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Naturally Work at Improving Your Skin’s Complexion to Perfection!

Are you tired of buying product after product of acne treatment and never finding one that works? We are happy to present to you a new organic treatment based on biology that will end your search. What’s unfortunate is that facial acne is looked down upon within social circles. Facial abscesses are frowned upon even [...]

Naturally Work at Improving Your Skin’s Complexion to Perfection! is a post from: BioCutis Blog


acne and pregnancy hormones and Anna Paquin acne and pregnancy myths and AnnaLynne McCord acne and pregnancy remedy and Anne Marie Kortright acne and pregnancy signs and April Scott

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dog Acne

Acne conditions and treatments; I've been writing about them for some time now and I thought I'd covered most every angle and possible form of skin malady and irritation. The truth is I have only begun to scratch the surface.

Something important I've stumbled upon based again on personal experience is perhaps something none of you have ever heard of or encountered before. I know I hadn't, dog acne!

This actually started for me almost five years ago and while most of my posts have referenced my skin and my own face, this involves another member of my family. This particular family member is actually quite hairy and small. No, I didn't give birth to or adopt a feral child; the creature to which I'm referring is our little pet dog and his dog acne. Now I'll bet you’re thinking exactly what I thought the first time I heard this expression, "dog acne" there's no such thing! Well, you'd be wrong, as wrong as I was! Dog acne does exist and my little guy suffers from it in a big way.

Let me back up a bit and tell you a little about my experience and what it taught me. As I said, this odyssey began years ago and to be honest, I had no idea what I was dealing with at first. Neither did several Veterinarians across the state where I live. In fact, I could have saved myself a lot of time, trauma, frustration and a couple of thousand dollars because frankly and ultimately, I was the one who diagnosed the problem and found a solution that worked.

The first sign of dog acne was relatively small and began as tiny patches of dry skin across his coat. This eventually spread and became worse. The second stage resulted in hair loss where the patches of dry skin originally were. The third and worse stage resulted in large areas of hair loss characterized by extremely flakey skin and matted, greasy short hair that grew then subsequently came out in small clumps over two thirds of this tiny dog's 4 pound body. Needless to say it was horrible and he looked pitiful! He was also miserable and scratched and bit at the areas as I am sure they itched like crazy! All the time, I'm working to find not only a cure but what the heck this may be. He was checked for everything from mange to vitamin deficiencies but nothing seemed to help and none of the doctors ever seemed able to offer a diagnosis.

I researched online looking for a solution but couldn't find anything that quite fit this problem. Then one day I’m watching a show on television featuring several doctors and dermatologists. They're talking about a wide variety of health subjects and skin conditions. One of the dermatologists begins to speak and I notice the skin condition he's describing sounds exactly like the condition my dog is suffering from. I listen intently to his description and his recommendations. He talks about the sebaceous glands and how they can be over productive. The over production of sebum can cause several problems; many which we've covered and I've discussed with you here on this forum; acne, blackheads, pimples, etc. It can also create the greasy, matted hair environment my dog was experiencing. His suggestion was applying salicylic acid as this dries up and decreases the production of the excess sebum.

The problem with my dog wasn't stress, his problem was dog acne!

I had already purchased several topical treatments for my dog. Some containing conditioning ingredients and some of them contained medicated ingredients like benzoyl peroxide. None made significant difference. Once I heard this information I began to search hoping to find a dog shampoo containing salicylic acid and eureka, I found one! I looked specifically for a shampoo made for dogs as I wanted to be certain it was safe and wouldn’t harm my little guy should he lick his coat. Shampoo made for humans may work too, but I haven't tried that yet. Anyway, after ordering the shampoo it arrived and I began using it immediately. The difference has been remarkable. Our little guy now only has a couple of small stubborn areas where his skin still shows signs of a problem. The majority of his skin and coat is vastly improved and I learned that we're not the only ones who suffer from acne. Our pets can suffer from acne too!


acne depression fatigue and Elisha Cuthbert acne depression forum and Eliza Dushku acne depression help and Emilie de Ravin acne depression medication and Emma Heming

Dove Nourishing Oil Care Conditioner {Product Review}

The second product of the Dove Nourishing Oil Range.

Price: Rs 160 for 180ml

sorry for the hazy snap but it has a really reflective surface!!!
My Experience
Ok, I am a little double minded about the conditioner. It is a really thick conditioner and is two-colored just as it says - the white stripe with a golden stripe. I think it has a tendency to weigh down the hair but if you don't apply it properly, it wouldn't give any results. So, to get results from this product, the quantity of the product has to be in balance with the time. For the first few times, I used two dollops of conditioner on water-squeezed hair and left the conditioner for 2-5 minutes each time. And, that I think weighed down my hair a bit but hair was soft and shiny. Where as, the last time I used, I was short of time and so I used only one dollop of conditioner and kept it for only a minute or may be under that and my hair was really not fine. It wasn't so shiny and it looked frizzy. So, its a hit and trial method with this product but it does deliver results.

I have just one problem with it - the conditioner is extremely thick. I am really sorry for the lack of snaps but I couldn't take out time before leaving to click them. So, I shall update this probably in sometime. But, the conditioner is thick and it doesn't glide on the hair easily. So, keep the hair damp enough but not wet or even too dry which will make you end up using more product and might weigh down the hair. So, its kind of an important regimen of this range which can't be ignored at all.

PS: Product sent by brand for consideration.

Also read other reviews from the same brand:
Dove Nourishing Oil Care Shampoo


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Emu Oil {Ingredient}

[Source: Google Images]
Have you heard of Emu Oil? Well, it is pretty much famous for its amazing anti-aging benefits for the skin. I cam across it while reading the ingredients of one of the MVO products and I thought of doing a post on it. Emu oil is used in many of the MVO products - one of them being the Everyday Sheer Coverage I reviewed sometime back.

What is Emu Oil?
It is the oil made from the fat of Emu, a bird which is native of Australia. 

Benefits of Emu Oil
It has many benefits (you will read that sentence everywhere but I don't think I have come across such long a list ever though whether it is true or not is debatable). So, I'll just list a few and give you the source for further reading. 
Emu oil is extremely high in essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6, 7 that are anti-inflammatory and repair the lipid barrier. Results: smoother, softer, more radiant skin; scars and stretch marks fade; relief from eczema, dermatitis, dry skin [Source: MVOrganics]
It is anti-inflammatory and heals the wounds and burns.  It helps with acne, sunburns, age spots, aging issues, dandruff, eczema and many other things. [Source: Emu Oil Benefits] (please go to source for complete list)

How is it extracted? 
This is the part which is why I wrote this post. I don't know if it has entered your mind if Emu is killed to extract Emu Oil? I wanted to know the answer for this question and the answer is, unfortunately, Yes. But, there is a catch if you don't want it to weight down on your conscience. Emu is killed for its meat, specifically. Because, the meat of emu is lean and has many health benefits. So, when the Emu is killed, the meat is cooked and the fat of the Emu is used to extract the oil so yup its not vegan or organic or even vegetarian, for that matter.

One main thing about Emu Oil is also that it is seldom available in its 100% pure form coz its a very valuable oil. So, if you think of buying this oil, go for the reliable and best brands instead of any which fancies your eye coz the lower grade of oils can lead to skin irritations and other problems.


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