Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fruit Natures Acne Food

Way too often, when most folk's think of acne and food, their first though is to the foods they think they have to avoid. Tastes like chocolate and French fries; donuts and cookies; and colas and coffee. Well, since I noticed my son's complexion looked a little dull and I went out and spent a fortune at the supermarket on fruit. Today, I thought I'd bang away on my keyboard and talk about the foods that not only taste great and are good for you and your acne, but are also unprocessed and natural. That's right kids, fruit natures acne food. The trifecta of what's good for you – FRUIT. What follows are a list of fruits you should most definitely include in your diet, particularly one that is geared towards getting rid of or preventing acne. The reason I have included them is because these actually are the fruits that I purchase at the market.

  • Apples - It may sound like a lot but you should try to eat two or three apples every day. Apples are great for a healthy complexion. Wash them well and don't be afraid to eat the skin as this is where most of the pectin resides which relieves constipation and is an excellent natural antioxidant. Apples are high in fiber and ascorbic acid, as well as minerals like; calcium, iron and potassium and vitamins A, B and C.

When I was young I hated apples. As a matter of fact I hated apples and potato chips. Those actually were the only foods that I disliked and it all was due to a pig out day I had when I was about 4 or 5 years old. The binge consisted of you guessed it; potato chips and apples. Well after getting sick and seeing the regurgitated mess on the floor. I never wanted to see, much less taste another apple or potato chip ever again. So I guess I missed out on the acne benefits of apples when I was a teen. But that was probably evened out by the fact that I never ate greasy potato chips. However it's amazing what a couple of decades will do, as I enjoy both foods today and get the acne food benefits of apples.

But I digress.

  • Apricots – These summer stone fruits are a great source of vitamin B complex and E, minerals, fiber and beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A. They are helpful in the alleviation and reduction of constipation. Additionally the anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit also make its juice a great topical acne treatment. Particularly when applied to cystic lesions.
  • Bananas –This probiotic fruit has been shown to help your body regulate the balance between good and bad bacteria, especially when it comes to the beneficial bacteria necessary to maintain optimal colonic function. By keeping this balance in check the bad bacteria are inhibited, thereby reducing the toxins which produce acne. Because this fruit contains live bacteria you should be careful not to overdo it and consider one banana a day a sensible limit.
  • Blackberries – another great source for beta-carotene and natural antioxidants. Additionally it is one of the few fruits that contain vitamin E, which greatly enhance you immune system. These berries are a natural source for salicylate. They also contain the photochemical; ellagic and lycopen which prevent damage to and promote healthy skin cells.
  • Blueberries – The healthful benefits of blueberries have been used in medical treatments for thousands of years. Is it any wonder? This fruit has probably the highest levels of antioxidant of any known food (the acai berry is giving it a run for the money). Research is also suggesting that one of the active elements of blueberries, Pterostilbene is a natural anti inflammatory. While it is more advantageous to eat fresh blueberries, frozen can be substituted.
  • Cantaloupes – An excellent source of vitamin A, C, and a lot of other proteins and minerals which places it high on any list of fruits to improve acne or your complexion. As a matter of fact the high level of vitamin A in these melons makes it a no brainer for inclusion on this food for acne list. But it doesn't stop there since it is also loaded with potassium. This allows injury to the skin caused by acne to heal much faster and its high folate content is beneficial in the maintenance and production of new cells.
  • Cherries – These are my favorites, although they can get a little pricy. Like all the other acne foods we have discussed so far. Cherries are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for proper health and fitness. But what makes cherries special, is they are one of the few sources of food known to have melatonin. Melatonin which is naturally produced in your body's pineal gland is an antioxidant that is necessary for the regulation of your biorhythms and sleep patterns. Which in turn insure proper regenerative rest and reduction of stress and the stress acne associated with it when an imbalance occurs.
  • Figs – Have been around round since the time of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. This fruit was most likely the first dried and stored by mankind. They are extremely high in fiber; beneficial to digestion and pureed makes an excellent sweetener for cooking as well as a substitute for sugar. While they are low in vitamin C they are a great way to get B6. As a nutrient, B6 is probably necessary for more bodily functions than any other and is not a place where you want to be caught short.
  • Grapefruits – Like most citrus fruits, grapefruit is loaded with vitamin C. But unlike its citrus cousins, it contains a phytonutrient lycopene. This antioxidant combats free radical damage in its quest to preserve your skins health, combat acne and ward off cellular damage due to aging. This fruit also contains Naringin, this phytochemical assists in the reduction of toxins in the liver, thereby leading to a better complexion. On the down side, Naringin can interfere with the livers ability to break down some drugs; divalproex sodium and aspirin just to name two. It's a good idea to speak with your doctor and or pharmacist about grapefruit if you are taking any medications, either prescription or over the counter.

While this list of foods that fight acne is by no means all inclusive. It is a good start. I would of considered including; grapes, plums, strawberries, mangoes and raspberries. While the supermarket had them, I didn't care for the way they looked, so they have been excluded. Of course, if you want to talk about them or any other of natures acne foods. Feel free to use the comment box.


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